CAIN balances the needs of practitioners and the holistic health industry to work consistently in the best interests of the client. Our goal is to ensure that practitioners establish and strengthen relationships of trust with clients while working in an environment that encourages safety, professionalism and continual education.
We strive to influence legislation and regulation that directly impacts Holistic Health Practitioners at both the federal and provincial government levels. CAIN is at the forefront of consumer protection and promotes a model for the delivery of Holistic Nutrition services that place the client's interest as the primary objective. Fundamental principles that CAIN actively promotes fair and efficient access to Holistic Nutrition services in Canada that include: > A standard of education, ethics and professionalism among all members of our organization via CAIN Mandatory Training and Testing (CAINMTT) > An efficient and effective system for Holistic Nutrition Practitioners that assists with minimizing the risk and incidence of liability, injury and practitioners stepping outside their Scope of Practice. |
Search for Your PractitionerLocate your Holistic Nutrition Practitioner and ensure they have graduated from an approved program which meets our strict curriculum requirements.
Confirm CredentialsRest easy knowing you can verify that your Holistic Nutrition Practitioner is in good standing with CAIN, and confirm their level of education.
View HistorySee how long your practitioner has been a member and if he/she has had any known and validated complaints, suspensions, law suits, or their membership has lapsed or been terminated.
Hours of Operation
M-F: 9am - 4pm Contact Us