Articles should be between 1500 and 2500 words. Blog Posts should be between 1000-2000 words. 1 Credits will be awarded per 1000 words. Our readers value articles that are educational and interesting. Highly technical or academic-style writing will most likely not be published. Articles that offer real-life examples are also of interest to our readers and articles that provide critical analyses should also include possible solutions to the problems presented.
Article ideas that are most likely to be published are those that address current topics in the Holistic / Natural Health Industry and that are of interest to Holistic Nutritionists and / or Health Coaches and include references to at least two to three experts or sources. Other articles of interest include business and practice management pieces that help Holistic Nutritionists do their jobs better.
Please include the following in all articles:
All writing should be educational in nature geared towards other health professionals as your reader base.
All articles and blog posts are required to have a learning component that demonstrates you have continued to learn and have done research.
Articles should be industry specific and geared towards educating / helping other professionals.
All articles and blog topics must source all reference materials such as studies, books and other reference materials you used. Links to your sources must be included.
Your writing should include at least three referenced sources.
You are expected to fact check quotes from all sources used in your writing before submitting the final draft to us.
CAIN reserves the right to edit submitted articles for length and/or clarity as seen fit should we decide to publish all or part of your submission.
You should submit your writing a minimum of 30 days prior to your membership renewal to ensure your credits will be received on time.
Submission of your article or blog post does not guarantee it will be published.
We will accept the following however they must demonstrate researched topics and follow the guideline rules:
Your knowledge about a specific health, nutrition or foodie topics
Your own personal story/journey in health.
Your professional experiences, including but not limited to client success stories, business tips and stories.
A clean eating recipe can be included within your submission but a recipe on its own cannot be awarded CE credits.
These articles must be detailed in nature and show the issue you faced, the research you did and applied and site all referenced sources. Please read below for detailed requirements.
Do not submit articles that include the following:
Personal pieces that do not include a learning component / educational / unsourced material.
Submissions should not be basic in nature and must demonstrate learning and research that extends beyond your designations education.
Pieces that do not demonstrate that you have continued learning and are suited for the general public should not be submitted for credit. All writing should be educational in nature geared towards other professionals.
Submissions where quoted references are more than 15% of your article word count.
We will not accept or publish articles that include any multi-level marketing, affiliate links or specific product or service recomendations.
Articles that merely serve as promotional pieces for a company or individual (i.e., advertorial) SEE ADVERTISING.
Articles should not be previously published (including your own website).
All self-serving phrases will be edited out of the story as the editor sees fit.
Article submissions and ideas should be objective and should not be used as a platform for rants or raves.
Political articles will not be accepted.
Not sure about your topic for submission? You can send us a query before you begin. Queries should not exceed two to three paragraphs and should include the following information:
An outline of the topics / issues the article will address
Why these issues are important/relevant to Holistic Nutritionists or Health Coaches
A list potential sources (if the writer is a professional writer/freelance).
A proposed word count (generally 1,200 to 2,500 words for feature articles)